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Living by the works of Spirit

What an honour it is to serve the Lord. The Lord never fails to show His impeccable goodness amongst His people. I went through a deep self-inquisition some time ago regarding how would people who have never encountered the gospel due to isolation from fellow believers receive salvation? Is it fair for them to be starved of the amazing gift God so willingly gives to us for free just because of their circumstance? It took time, but I finally took the stance to stop worrying and thinking. Instead; I should start doing. Get my motors running and be part of those who put the good news out on the field, to be the miracle someone needs, whether he or she longed for it or not; irrespective of our shortcomings. For through our weakness, God could reveal himself as quoted by the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10, But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

I have also been blessed by having a team that has the heart of a servant, and so willing to sacrifice themselves to the best of their abilities to serve. It was a demonstration of God’s work where when we bury our interest, and put God as the head of our priorities, we are capable of great things. So, kudos to them, I have certainly learnt a lot from them. I pray so that they will be blessed even more, and continue blessing people wherever they go.

Throughout the trip, God has answered a lot of my personal inquiries. Seeing how God reveals Himself to the brothers and sisters we share the good news with was such a source of joy, motivating us to share the good news with more vigour. This experience has also finally “forced” me in a way to act out a prayer that I have for some time longed for, to be an empty vessel for the Holy Spirit to fully take control and reign over me. It is of a deep desire for me for the people who heard from us to not see us for our works, morals, and our efforts; but of God’s love itself as a testimony of our lives and how we impacted theirs.

Given the past few days post this trip, some associates of mine have returned to the Lord; making me realise more of the importance of putting the good news out there, for we might not know when too late is indeed, “too late.” Quoting from a person of whom I deeply respect, “as long as we have to the best of our efforts planted the seed of thought in them, we can leave the rest for the Holy Spirit to work within.”

This is my humble testimony, for the glory and honour of our God.

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